Tips to worry less - Think about whether you can do anything about the issue? If no, try to let the worry go. If the only thing you can control about a problem is your own attitude about it, then work on acceptance - attitude adjustment. Reframing problems as a blessing may be a stretch, but it might help to look at things as learning experiences, or a message to work on priorities. Pain and stress may be sending a message that delegating some tasks, or streamlining how you do something might be needed.
Writing worries on notes and putting them in a worry jar is another idea - you did something about it. You can look through your worries later. If yes, plan your time - 1. write down your goals, long term - 5-10 years, mid length, this year, and short term, this day/week/month, and 2. make an action plan, what steps to take today, write a list. 3. Do your plan, cross off your list items. It can feel more organized and good to check off your short term goals, and more peaceful to have a plan. (18)
Elimination diet - write down foods and symptoms, watch for patterns.
Regarding the complexity of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, or histamine from food - writing down your symptoms and daily food, beverages, and other lifestyle issues that standout from your routine can help to start seeing a pattern of which foods or habits might be adding to the problem.
Elimination diets are quite simple to start with only a few of the least allergy prone foods, and gradually more are added back later. It needs to be followed for a couple weeks to get the body cleared out of the potential problem foods and hopefully start feeling better, whether itchy, headaches, fatigue, brain-fog, or pain, numbness, or other symptoms. Then add only one thing back and see if symptoms return. Symptoms may be fairly immediate, or the next day or two so gradual reintroduction will be easiest to track whether it seems to cause symptoms.
Lab tests and other help and medication may be nice too, if available, but an elimination diet can be done fairly easily and safely. Stick to a variety of foods from the different food groups and read bottles on any supplements or medications to check for ingredients that might also be trigger substances 'starch' is usually wheat or corn based unless specifically labeled like tapioca or arrowroot starch. See the resource links earlier on the page for food lists, a food diary and information about elimination diets for histamine issues.
Not all people have exactly the same sensitivities and there can be an additive effect, many problem foods on the same day as stress - may become a flare up. Some of the lists vary and some are more restricted than others, but most have similarities in the worst risk foods. Starting with eliminating some of those and seeing if you start feeling better can also be a way to work towards learning what are problem foods for you personally.